Booking Transport for Outpatient Appointments

We have received the following information from South Central Ambulance Service. The booking of transport to hospital outpatient appointments is changing from 1 November 2023 to patient self-booking. Intitially done by telephone but all subsequent appointments can be booked online.

Hampshire & Thames Valley Non- Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) Update
The Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS), provided by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS), delivers transport for eligible patients who have a medical reason that means they are not able to travel for treatment by another method.
This poster aims to provide you with the key changes to our service. WHAT’S CHANGING on 1st November 2023 Health Care Professionals will no longer have access to book routine outpatient appointments for patients. You, your relatives, and carers can access to manage the booking process from end to end.
If it is your first use of NEPTS, you will need to book via the telephone and create your record and thereafter the online system will be available.
They will require the following information to set up an account on the SCAS patient hub.
• NHS Number
Patients can book via the online platform up to 20 days in advance but no later than 2 working days before the appointment.
• This platform enables the patient to.
- Place a booking on the system.
- Amend a booking.
- Cancel a Transport booking.
- Obtain an Estimated Time of Arrival
Telephone Numbers
For Patients that do not have access to book via the online platform you may use the following numbers
Hampshire Patient Led Line –0300 123 9833
Thames Valley patient Led Line - 0300 100 0015