If you are on regular medication, the most accurate and secure way of requesting a further supply is for you to go online using NHS App or Patient Access service. This puts your request directly into our system so we can check it and process it faster.
Or you can send your request through your regular pharmacy.
We are unable to take medication requests over the telephone.
Please allow at least 2 clear working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) between giving us your request and it being sent to your nominated pharmacy. For example, a request handed in on Monday will be sent to your pharmacy by Thursday. Medication not on your repeat list or due for review may take longer to process.
Don’t forget to put your request in early if you are going on holiday or before any bank holiday as we get a large number of requests at these times.
Please check for any messages included with your medication when collected from your pharmacy. You might be due for a review.
Medication Reviews
We will contact you if you need to be seen before your next prescription is due. Our practice pharmacists are available for medication reviews and can answer any queries you might have.
Electronic Prescription Service
We can send your prescription electronically to a pharmacy of your choice (including online pharmacies). Just ask your pharmacy to nominate you on the EPS system. Our system will be automatically updated to send future prescriptions (not dressings) there so you won’t need a green prescription paper.
Further information on the Electronic Prescription Service here.
If you use Patient Access and EPS together, you will save a lot of time and effort.
Many pharmacies also operate a collection and delivery service. Please contact your pharmacy for information.
Once dispensed, medication cannot be recycled and has to be destroyed which wastes NHS money. Please do not stockpile medication.
If you register with NHS App, you will get your NHS Login which can also be used in apps created by online pharmacies. These apps allow you to request medication, specify delivery address and complete payment all in a few clicks. The rest will be done for you.
Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD)
If you or someone you care for uses the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from using the NHS Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) service.
This means you won’t have to re-order or collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP practice every time you need more medicine. Instead we the GP practice will issue a batch of prescriptions for 6 to 12 months duration.
Step 1 – Talk to your GP or the person who prescribes your medicines and ask them if you can use Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD).
If your prescriber thinks that you could use eRD for your regular medicines, you will need to choose your nominated Community Pharmacy where your eRD prescriptions will be sent.
Your GP or prescriber will then authorise a number of eRD prescriptions. This will be based on your circumstances and clinical need. These eRD prescriptions will then be supplied by your pharmacy at regular intervals.
Step 2 – Collect your first eRD prescription from your pharmacy.
Step 3 – Next time you need more medicines, go back to your pharmacy. Before dispensing the next issue of your prescription, your pharmacy will ask you the following questions:
- Have you seen any health professionals (GP, nurse or hospital doctor), since your last repeat prescription was supplied?
- Have you recently started taking any new medicines – either on prescription or that you have bought over the counter?
- Have you been having any problems with your medication or experiencing any side effects?
- Are there any items on your repeat prescription that you don’t need this month?
If you don’t need all of the medicines on your prescription, let the pharmacy staff know, so that they only supply the medicines you need. This will help to reduce waste and save the NHS money.
Step 4 – When your pharmacy supplies your last eRD prescription of the batch, they will advise you and a new Batch will need to be requested from the GP surgery. Note: Annual reviews are now scheduled with your month of birth (Born in July, get annual review every July). As long as you are up-to-date with any required reviews and blood tests a new eRD will be issued.
Your doctor or practice nurse may want you to make an appointment to see them before they will authorise more eRD prescriptions.
More information is available in the leaflet below.
Willow Group is collaborating with NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) which is providing NHS numbers for those patients that may be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing prescriptions. The information is obtained from NHS prescriptions submitted to the NHSBSA. A member of our clinical team will contact these patients in due course to explain the benefits of this service.